What does our Team Platinum Born CEOs mission, "Claim Your Freedom & Live Your Purpose", mean to you? Here's what it means to Team Platinum Ring Earner, Latisha Randolph...
Your success and happiness in life (and business) will be greatly impacted by the quality and quantity of your relationships. "People have to get to know you, like you, and trust you, to let you lead them".
If you don't want to waste time and lose money trying to reinvent the wheel, follow our simple & proven, "Dream. Commit. Launch." gameplan and teach others to do the same...
Dream. Decide what you REALLY REALLY want and why.
Commit. Commit to the Part-Time "ABC & 123 Success Schedule" below.
Launch. Launch your business by inviting a lot of people to a presentation right away.
Be Consistent... First, Master The Simple "ABC Success Schedule". Then Master the "123 Success Schedule" Below.
Part-Time: "Invite 2-5 new people per day and show up 2-3 nights per week"...
A. "Invite 2-5 new people per day"... Even if you are unable to attend the daily presentation zooms, get 2-5 new people per day onto the Live Zoom presentation Mon-Sat @ 5pm PT/ 6pm MT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET. (Sundays @4pm PT/ 5pm MT/ 6pm CT/ 7pm ET) or use a video if they can not attend. Never say "We have a presentation every day". Do a 3-way call afterward to connect them with one of our Team Leaders.
Link: PinnacleZoom.com
Or Meeting ID: 7222815483
Password: 1234
*Alternative Daytime Zoom Monday- Friday at 10am PT/ 11am MT/ 12pm CT/ 1pm ET with James Worthy
Or meeting ID: 5275221186
Simple Proven Script Use option 1a or 1b for text #1.(change the name and delete the brackets):
Text #1 Option 1a.
Hey [Pam]!
Would you be willing to give me your feedback on a project I'm working on and let me know who you think I can help?
Text #1 Option 1b.
Hi [Uncle Mike], can you help me? I’m in a training program with my company, and I need to share a 20-30 minute presentation with 10 people this week. You may or may not be interested yourself, and that’s okay, but you may know someone I can help. There is no pressure to buy or join anything, but would you be willing to listen and give us your feedback just to help me complete my training?
*(If you haven't spoken in a while or the relationship is cold... Break the ice first, by asking things like how they've been, what's new in their life, or any big goals they've been working on this year. Just check on them as a good friend before jumping straight into business).
Text that to 10 people right now and send your team leader a screenshot of their reply.
Step 2. After they respond schedule an appointment time for them to join a live Zoom (2a, below) or to watch a video (2b below). Change the info, delete the brackets, and say:
Text 2. Option A
Great... Thank you for your support! I need 10 people to see the overview and give me and my business partner their feedback afterward. I really appreciate you being one of my 10!
I'm having a live webinar [Wednesday Jan 27th at 8pm ET]. Please join 5 mins early & use this link:
PinnacleZoom.com Password: 1234
Choose "Device audio" once you're in so you can hear.
Can I count on you to be there?
If No (Invite them to tomorrow's Live Zoom listed above in section A. If they can't attend that one or you don't want to wait that long, use this...
Text 2. Option B:
When will you have about 30 minutes today for me to show you?
(Only send the video AFTER you confirm the time, so you know what time to follow-up with step 3 below.)
Coach Bell's Full video link (35min): BornCEO.com/protect
Text #3. After the zoom or video, immediately introduce your friend to your business partner, edit the name, edit your mentor's name, edit what's in the brackets at the bottom, and remove all of the brackets...
Glad you saw the info! I want to introduce you to my success mentor, [Mr/Ms/Coach ___], who has helped a lot of people and achieved significant success. He/she is supporting me and those in my network & looking forward to your feedback. Coach, this is my [friend Pam in Pennsylvania, who saw the video!]
Your 3-way expert can say, "Hello Pam! I look forward to your feedback... Were you able to see the entire presentation or only part of it?" If they haven't finished, your expert can schedule a time for them to see a presentation right away, and most importantly, schedule a 3-way phone call. Expert Script Outline: BornCEO.com/expert
*Only if they demand to know what it is:
It's about some resources my business partner and I are making available for families and business owners, but too much to get into right now. Everything will be explained during the overview.
Can I count on you to be on?
*Only if they think you're trying to sell them something say something like...
I'm not asking you to buy, join, or sell anything (unless you just can't help yourself, lol)! I just need your support connecting me with some people after you see what I'm working on.
If they don't respond to text #3, text or call and say something like...
Pam, thank you for your support while I'm in training for a new position... Would you mind responding to my coach's message above to help me complete my training?
B. Attend Your Weekly Thursday Night C.O.R.E. Training and bring your team... 6pm PT/ 7pm MT/ 8pm CT/ 9pm ET Login at TeamPlatinumZoom.com Or Meeting ID 566166193
Password: 1234
C. Block 1 hour per week to invite people to your local weekly Networking Dinner (Opportunity Presentation) with your local team and the local guests you all invite. If there isn't one, we'll teach you how simple it is to start one. This is the foundation of the entire 10 Core Millionaire Success System. The rest of the system will not duplicate and multiply properly without it and the rest of this simple "ABC 123" Success Schedule.
Tip: Remember to block 1 hour in your calendar every week to call your local contacts and invite them to your networking dinner. We have an inviting party you can join Sundays at 3pm PT/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CT/ 6pm ET with Coach Fard Bell or top leaders on TeamPlatinumZoom.com Password 1234. (More people answer their phone on Sundays than any other day).
Download Presentation slides here: BornCEO.com/protect
For Local Event Building Tips, join this Facebook group: LegalShield Event Builders
Nationwide Events:
National List of meeting holders by State & time zone (Click Here)
(Always contact the event coordinator to confirm the time and location)
*Our Teams Event Calendar: www.bornceo.com/tpevents
Next, Master "The 123 Schedule"...
1. Attend Your Sunday Night Success Masterminds & Accelerators...
- Virtual Inviting Party (
Have fun while inviting guests to your local event): 3pm PT/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CT/ 6pm ET:
CoachFardBellzoom.com or Meeting ID 3609809127 Password 1234
- Part One: Pinnacle Parent Team Call with your Millionaire Mentors at 5pm PT/ 6pm MT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET: PinnacleZoom.com or Meeting ID: 7222815483
- Part Two: Our Team Platinum Call @6pm PT/ 7pm MT/ 8pm CT/ 9pm ET:
CoachFardBellzoom.com or Meeting ID 3609809127
Password 1234
2. Register For And Attend Your Local Super Saturday Once a Month.
3. Register For And Attend The Big Event Once Per Quarter.
Fall 2024: Oct 4-6th Dallas, TX
Winter 2025: Jan 10-13 Bahamas Cruise
Spring 2025: April 24-27th Baltimore, MD
Summer 2025: July 10-13th Louisville, KY
Next Launch Your Business: After you've invited your first ten people, and committed to the ABC success schedule above, block 1-3 hours to invite as many people as you can to your grand opening launch presentation. This will help you enroll your 1st 3-6 people faster so you and your sponsor don't lose your $700 in Fast Start Bonuses before the 20-day deadline! *
See the Launch Checklist on page 2 here: BornCEO.com/gameplan
*Remember to attend your 2-hour "Fast Start Training" to be bonus eligible.
Available Saturdays at 8am PT/ 9am MT/ 10am CT/ 11am ET
Monday or Thursday at 5pm PT/ 6pm MT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET
Zoom link: TheAppLaunch.com
(You must enter your name and associate number in the Zoom chat to receive credit).
*Bonus support if needed...
Are you struggling with the daily consistency needed to earn your $200-$500/mo Performance Club Bonuses? Join daily power hour where we show you 1. What to do 2. What to say 3. And then Do it together!
Monday: 8am PT/ 9am MT/ 10am CT/ 11am ET on https://zoom.us/j/9663729768 Passcode: 2021
Tuesday-Friday: 7am PT/ 8am MT/ 9am CT/ 10am ET on MidNorthWestSuccess.com or Meeting ID 826 8346 3174. Passcode: winner
(How To Stay Performance Club Qualified & Earn Your $200-$500/mo PC Bonus)
When you open click "file" and "make a copy" to edit.
OPEN 10-IN-PLAY(Once saved, you can find your document in your Google Drive cloud storage at http://drive.google.com/ )
To get to the Manager Level quickly (and earn your first $1,000), invite 40-100+ people to your next "Launch Party" Zoom Presentation by simply following the inviting scripts in "Our Part-Time Success Schedule" above. (After your BIG launch parties, continue to invite 2-5 new people per day to our daily Zooms the same way you did for your Launch Parties). If you and 9 other people go manager (in your 3 legs) within your first 30-90 days, you'll go Director and beyond! Watch this training video and practice the same steps over and over until you and your team members master the Millionaire Success System...
If someone cannot attend the 1st base Zoom presentation, say: "No problem! Here's a 3-minute video. Everyone knows at least 3-5 people we can help... Will you do a 60-second survey for me after you watch it?" Send the 3min video and then the "Referral Form" link afterward. If they'd like to learn more about the Income Opportunity as a referral Associate, you can use a 3min opportunity "sizzle" video or the 19min full overview and tell them: "We only do 3 things... #1. Can you simply text someone a video or Zoom link? #2. Can you put them on the phone with a Team Leader afterwards? #3. Can you participate in a weekly training program that teaches you how to never run out of referrals to send the link to? That's literally all we do!" *Remember to show them the full 11min membership video after they enroll so they have proper expectations. Also, help them schedule their first 2 or 3 calls with their new attorneys to get them comfortable using it for every day life events and questions, not just emergencies. (For example, have them ask about updating their will and estate plan, a document or contact they signed, and their legal rights as a landlord or tenant). (All links are in your Prospect By PPLSI app. How to video is below).
A great follow-up to the 3-minute membership video. (All links are in your Prospect By PPLSI app. See how to video below).
1. Log in to the mobile app "Prospect By PPLSI". 2. Click the video icon at the bottom. 3. Choose the video you want to send and then click "individual" and follow the prompts.
Author of THE MANUAL of success in Network Marketing: "Building an Empire" (Get The Book & Audio!)
Ready to simplify your business and manage it like the multi-million dollar business you own? Ready to leverage the power of AI technology and simplify social media marketing? This is our system!
(EXACTLY what to do before, during, and after the launch)
(How To Earn Your Next Promotion & Pay Raise)
Master the event formula: ($1000/yr in passive income per person attending the events)... If you need $60,000/year in passive income, make a plan to have 60 people from your team attending our weekly, monthly, and quarterly events.
Weekly Local Events
(Always contact the event coordinator to confirm the time and location)
*Our Teams Event Calendar: www.bornceo.com/tpevents
*Free Weekly Leadership Coaching Live with Coach Fard Bell's Non-Profit Organization "Born CEO Leadership Academy": www.BornCEO.com/bcla
Weekly Promo Calls (Master The Highest Paying Skill Of Promoting)
Tuesdays 330pm PT/ 430pm MT/ 530pm CT/ 630pm ET Login at TeamPlatinumZoom.com Or Meeting ID 566166193
Password: 1234
Facebook Live Replay: LegalShield Event Builders Facebook Group
Monthly Super Saturdays & Bootcamp*
(Always contact the event coordinator to confirm the time and location)
*Coach Fard Bell's Monthly Network Marketing Bootcamp: www.BornCEO.com/nmbootcamp
Quarterly Big Events
(See #3 in the "ABC 123" Schedule at the top of the page)
(Subscribe for free tips & resources for recruiting & team building)
Order your Born CEO T-Shirts, Journal, and More!!!
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